Friday 24 August 2012

Role Of Roof Survey In Aerial Photography

Photography can be divided into many categories. The most popular among them is the aerial photography. It has changed the way we look the world. In this type of photography, the camera is held high above the ground. It can be the rooftop of a high building or a tower, aero plane, hot air balloons, satellites and much more places. This type of photography can be done in two ways. Either the photographer has to go up with the camera to a high place from where he can take an aerial image or the camera should be sent artificially with the help of a balloon or an aero plane. Hence, automatic or remote control can bring down the aerial image for us.

The common uses of aerial photography include military planning, mapping, production of motion pictures, environmental studies. People love to watch a football match from high above the ground. In case of making aerial maps, roofs of different towers are often used to capture the image of an area. After capturing the images, panorama view can be applied in order to merge these images to form one large image to demonstrate a large area. There are professionals who do this kind of photography but a child can do this too with the help of a kite.

Aerial photography has certain benefits. Till date, it seems to be the perfect way to study the topography of a region consisting of mountains or volcanoes. In certain cases, it is the only answer to stay safe. It is only with the help of this part of photography that we can get a hint about flood, volcanic eruptions, and earthquake. Certain places where people can’t survive are within the reach of our hand through aerial photographs. This segment of photography has helped mankind to know about the surface of Moon and Mars as well which we wouldn’t have even imagined if there was no such thing called aerial photograph. Images taken from satellites help the weather department of a country to forecast the conditions of the future weather. Moreover, we can find a place on the map in no time due to the aerial photograph of that place. The world is no longer unknown to us.

The one and only disadvantage of aerial photography is that paparazzi use this technique mostly through roof survey in order to get into a celebrity’s private life.

The demand of aerial photographers is increasing day by day and as a result many professional photographers are taking aerial photography seriously. Students too, now a day are beginning to gain interest in this part of photography. We all hope that as time passes, aerial photography will take us to a new height.

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